If you’re in a for a comically-fueled horror game, try out 3AM at the Krusty Krab. It’s based on the Hash Slinging Slasher episode and the recreation looks nearly perfect. There’s a cutscene at the beginning of the game that’s really well-done. The game is pretty short, but it’s still a chill to play. Even though it’s SpongeBob SquarePants, it’s no walk in Jellyfish Fields. Without spoiling it, you’ll probably be tense the entire time. You walk around the place armed with just a flashlight in the complete dark. You can freely walk around the lobby, the kitchen, and even Mr. The interior looks almost exactly like the actual restaurant- complete with tables, the basement, the bathroom, Squidward’s boat, and even the order menu. It’s a horror first-person indie game with a complete recreation of the Krusty Krab.
Its current version information is not available and its last update on. Its available for users with the operating system Windows 7 and former versions, and it is available in English.
The game is pretty easy and quick, but it’s still just so awesome to play a horror game based on SpongeBob SquarePants! Five Nights at the Chum Bucket is a free Windows game, being part of the category PC games and has been published by Dakota Wood. You need to complete a list of objectives before you can leave. Krabs and you need to grab all your things and then escape the Krusty Krab before you get killed with the Slasher’s rusty spatula! Your flashlight will flicker when he comes near you and you’ll have to manage your way around the place without getting caught. Krabs is way too busy counting his fat stacks. This monster makes an appearance every Tuesday night, and of course, Mr. He didn’t know that there’s a pretty evil monster out to get him- The Hash Slinging Slasher. Krabs has decided to stay up super late one night (counting his cash). 3AM at the Krusty Krab is probably the scariest game under the sea!