Now you can enjoy designing your own papercraft. The dedicated viewer, Pepakura Viewer, is available from Pepakura Designer's official web site freely. Not only can a pattern created by Pepakura Designer be printed and saved as 2D image, but you can also share it with other people.
You may use some 3DCG software released from other developers to make the 3D models for unfolding. Low Poly Wolf 3D model print and Pepakura file (PDO) File format: 3Ds,OBJ,STL,FBX,PDO. All you have to do is prepare the 3D model. No special knowledge is required for making papercraft patterns. Such a model can be unfolded to a flat template printable on paper, to be cut afterwards, folded and glued together.
3D pepakura models for download, files in 3ds, max, c4d, maya, blend, obj. Pepakura Viewer is a free software, dedicated viewer that shows 3D models and patterns for papercraft created by other people in Pepakura Designerfrom Tamasoft. Pepakura Designer makes it easy to design original papercraft patterns by importing 3D model data. Paper Modelers Top 15 Pepakura Designer Alternative and Similar Softwares. (I'm using the 3D studio max for making the video my friend request). The 3D studio max can't read PDO files extension. Then you can edit the pattern as you like. I'm having a problem where my friend send me a PDO (Works for pepakura Designer 3 Programs), and I'm trying to view it from 3Ds studio Max. Because the operation is very simple, you can make patterns easily. Available in any file format including FBX, OBJ, MAX, 3DS, C4 Pepakura Viewer ist ein kostenloser Viewer für 3D-Modelle, die mit dem Pepakura Designer entworfen wurden. The 3D models that you design with 3D CG software, can be put out into the real world from the digital world using Pepakura Designer.Pepakura Designer is a program developed in Japan (the word Pepakura stands for papercraft in Japanese) for making unfolded 2D patterns from the 3D models. Use filters to find rigged, animated, low-poly or free 3D models.

Pepakura supports the following file types. Find converter to pdo file type: obj to pdo. Find conversions from pdo file: pdo to obj.
How to convert: Designs can be exported to several formats, including PDF as well as some graphics. also use the free 3D Print Exporter plugin. pdo file can be opened and edited in Papekura Designer or just simply viewed in Papekura Viewer.
of the OBJ Viewer Over the weekend I wrote an app for the Mac that basically is a GUI.
- deerexportpepakurauv2.obj - model with unfold to print on paper. Now you can enjoy designing your own papercraft. Pepakura Designer is a 3D model viewer that also makes them a printable. obj with texture for reading in Pepakura viewer or Armorsmith Good.
unfold the pages in the files pepakura designer 3 or pepakura designer 4.
NOTE: Pepakura is a Japanese program that has been translated into English. PDO files can be viewed with the free Pepakura Viewer. Designs can be printed or exported to bitmap graphics files. You may use some 3DCG software released from other developers to make the 3D models for unfolding. Pepakura accepts several 3D formats including.

Step ten: Open Pepakura Designer click file>open and select (m3 viewer\Content\export) and file your obj file ('unit's name'.obj) now there should be a pop up. No special knowledge is required for making papercraft patterns. Step nine: Open M3Viewer press Tab and cycle through the models until your unit pops up then press space. Pepakura Designer makes it easy to design original papercraft patterns by importing 3D model data. Then you can edit the pattern as you like. also use the free 3D Print Exporter plugin. Because the operation is very simple, you can make patterns easily. obj with texture for reading in Pepakura viewer or Armorsmith Good. Pepakura Designer is a program developed in Japan (the word Pepakura stands for papercraft in Japanese) for making unfolded 2D patterns from the 3D models.